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Sujet: i need your help

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le 9/4/2012 à 18:08
Hi my name is Sunlight, and I'm member of an Italian competitive Team called "TeamAqua" !
I contact you because I'm searching for a competitive clan of your country but I don't have any reference if not your site/community! Can you please indicate us (if there are...) a competitive group of players of your country?
Thanks a lot for you availability, and sorry for my bad English, see you soon,
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 9/4/2012 à 20:58

I can't help you but don't worry about your english.
A huge number of francophone are bad for speaking in foreign languages ;)
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le 9/4/2012 à 23:54
Well, anyway, I don't think this is the good sub-forum. It may be better in the sub-forum "Discussions Pokémon", I think.
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 10/4/2012 à 16:19
In france there are a few site that has got a team. We do not.

But there is a site (french spirit) which is pretty good for tactical user. Sadly they are a bit aggressive in the way they talk but you should give it a try.