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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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Restless Dream
DémoniMembre Evolué
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le 7/8/2006 à 20:53



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le 8/8/2006 à 09:56
Pwuis je parler néerlandais ici ? (Pauv' dsch, il sera jamais président)
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le 8/8/2006 à 17:34
If you eet too much chips, you'll become a fat ugly boy...
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 8/8/2006 à 20:46
He already became a fat ugly boy, look at the Trombinoscope. :suicide
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le 9/8/2006 à 09:36
eating chips ain't bad, if you don't go for too much... but anyway, 'sup ?
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le 9/8/2006 à 22:36
I am watching a game, having beer ...
What's up ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 9/8/2006 à 22:40
I love me 8)
Membre en Mutation
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le 9/8/2006 à 22:41
I love you8)
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 9/8/2006 à 22:44
I am totally keen on vodkice. 8) She's my Queen.
Restless Dream
DémoniMembre Evolué
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le 10/8/2006 à 01:40
Vodkice is my girl, actually...

Well, not really, get her if you want, but I don't think she will like ya...


Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:08
I take an apple.

Where is the school ?
Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:09
So nobody has an idea for my little Hercules? :(
Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:10
BN => Hmm... Nope.

You know where is my school ?

I'm lost...
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:12
to vote for me for the most original team in the topic all on pokemon
Père Nowel Admin
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:12
Cookie, please stop talking nonsense...

BN 8) 8). It has been a while that I haven't seen you.

Maybe such a pose :lol :
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:13
Babelfish ? ;o
Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:15
Zhu!! :-* How are you?

Hahaha, I love this pose, but I don't think my boss will agree :$
Hazel Dark
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:15
I enjoy rock's topic !
Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:21
Hay BN, look at this : http://www.megamaths.kokoom.com/yoga/yogabase/Page.html

I think you 'll find a pose :lol
Yoga powaaaaa...
Membre en Mutation
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le 10/4/2007 à 18:24
Ok... I think I'll concentrate in Beauty (not the Beast...) for the moment...
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:13
been a while, few months oO

'sup every one ? *is there any one ?:?*
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:16
There's me guy.

It did such a long time I hadn't seen that topic. 8)
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:21
[i]it's been such a long time since I've seen this topic[/i]*

*hell I feel like in english grammar class oO*

any one has a subject to discuss on ? Like, hey it's almost the vacations ^^ *already for me though :p*
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:24
I'm not a serial killer in English. :$ But in Spanish, everyone's dead. :lunettes

My vacations :

- I'll look for my brother (but where are you, brother ? Fuck, I miss you. [i]Te extraño[/i])
- I'll do my homework. :YOU:

Short and effective program.
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:27
vale nunca he comprendido porque la gente tenia tan problemas en españal, parece tan cerca del frances al final...

but anyway this ain't the topic ^^ what if we maid a topic for each most-spoken language ? xD
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:32
Ouch, ouch, ouch. Ouch ?

I didn't understand your english sentence. Oo
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le 24/10/2007 à 20:53
just saying that, by looking at this topic, and the german topic, it seems that every one is going to make a topic about a language spoken all around the world, like mandarin, spanish etc
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 25/10/2007 à 15:20
Probably xD However it's great to say let's speak English or whatever but nobody does really know what to say. :/ Are all those topics supposed to be something like the discussion one ?

Yeaah, by the way I really don't like Spanish at all !
*Who cares xD*
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 25/10/2007 à 17:23
Hey people, I saw the German topic and I wondered if there was an English one. Anf I finally noticed it, in the list ! It's nice to have a place to discuss in Shakespeare's tongue, and it is also a good way to train (for the "bac"...).
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 25/10/2007 à 17:27
Guess you're right...but only if people try not to make too many mistakes. :)
But I really agree, this is a good idea ! 8)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 25/10/2007 à 17:30
Too [b]many[/b] mistakes, dear 8) !

Let's talk about British "culture". In my school there's a kind of fever concerning the 7th Harry Potter book, coming tonight at 0 o'clock :lol !
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 25/10/2007 à 17:48
Hello! I'm Link le maître. I'm not good at english. So I don't understand everything you say.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 25/10/2007 à 18:02
Oh My God ! :-O Did I really write "much mistakes" ?? xDD
Let's say that's cause I'm tired okay? :$ A fever ? Are you kidding ? I just got the impression that no one cared anymore in my school, and the only ones who still do have already read it in English. :(
One thing's clear, I will never wake up in the middle of the night to buy a [s]book[/s] !:lol
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le 25/10/2007 à 19:45
I think I won't buy the 7th book because I'v ever learnt it in english. And I also think that people who are in bookshops at midnight to buy Harry Potter are totally crazy. They are probably those who learn the book for a night. I can't understand them, I always try to make last the pleasure. xD

(If I make mistakes in my english you can correct its if you want, because I know I don't have a very good level)
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 26/10/2007 à 00:03
[quote]I'v ever learnt it in english[/quote]
learnt = appris. =p
Je doute que tu ais appris les quelques centaines de pages en anglais en plus. XD
Il vaut mieux mettre "read".

I will own the 7th book tomorrow... huh today in about 8 hours. =) I think I'll spend most of the week end to read it.
I'm really impatient to know how it will end but I hope the book would last some weeks because after there will be no sequel. =[

And Monday, reading Harry Potter, I will be listening the new album of Britney. XD
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le 26/10/2007 à 05:01
Rofl yes neo_imx, I know the difference between [i]learn[/i] and [i]read[/i], after 7 years of english. But it's probably because [i]learn[/i] looks like the french [i]lire[/i].

I wonder how many people have bought the book in France at this time.
Today, I will put a sheet with the sentence [i]Salle sur demande[/i] on the wall of a room which have not door, at school.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 26/10/2007 à 09:25
Britney.....Britney what ?? Not Spears xD Hope not xD
*isn't she supposed to be in a kind of recovery program ??*
Never mind anyway. :$
It's so weird compared to all the other HP books, no one in my class even mentionned it this morning. O_o
Where am I ? Is this world-where-no-one-cares-about-harry-potter still the reality ?? XD
Everyone was so excited when the 5th came out. :(
By the way, "salle sur demande", what is it for ??
How can a room have no door at all ? O_o
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le 26/10/2007 à 15:31
I don't know but it seems exist xD (It's clearly visible on the map of the school)

no one in my class even mentionned it this morning. O_o > I heard only one person speaking about Harry Potter this morning, and a girl explained to her boyfriend that she won't buy the book because it's too expensive. ;_;
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 26/10/2007 à 18:12
[quote]I wonder how many people have bought the book in France at this time.
Today, I will put a sheet with the sentence Salle sur demande on the wall of a room which have not door, at school.[/quote]
Really good idea. It will be funny for those who would understand ;]

[quote]Britney.....Britney what ?? Not Spears xD Hope not xD
*isn't she supposed to be in a kind of recovery program ??*[/quote]
Yes Britney Spears. She's back. =)
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 26/10/2007 à 18:42
Is she ??
Does she have a few hairs now ? :$
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le 26/10/2007 à 18:44
I never heard any song of Britney Spears. ^^'
What kind of music does she sing ?
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 26/10/2007 à 18:53
Something that sounds like pop-music...I guess ^^"
"Oooops I did it agaaaaain !" :musique
Are you sure you've never heard that before ? :lol
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:24
Tell me, why, when you're speaking (or actually try speaking) (or rather writing, de facto) english, you're speaking very well, while aside you don't know how to spell french correctly?
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:30
Who are you talking to ? O_o
Hazel Dark
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:37
'cause French langage is more difficult than English langage ?
Not bad, don't you ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:42
Because we learn to speak French before writing it, whereas when we learn English we mainly write it.

English spelling is difficult; English-speaking young people may have trouble to write correctly, while we often do not know how to pronounce a word we can spell.
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:47
I think I write better French than English. But I find speaking English is very difficult - it maybe is because I near never practice it.
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:50
Not bad interpretation, Mut. Buf if we can write English correctly, i don't know why we can't do the same in French? OR rather speak English like French, with all its mistakes.

Do u undstk wut i meen ? spk'n englich lik tat "were is bryan? bryan is in da kitshenn"
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le 26/10/2007 à 19:52
Milo, a friend told me that when you are in a foreign country which english is the main language, you learn very quickly the language, but it don't mean that you won't make deadly mistakes anymore. So spendign time in England or whatever won't help you to get TOEIC for example.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 26/10/2007 à 20:05
I know it sounds unbelievable, but people who can both speak and write French and English properly DO exist. And I don't think the main mistakes we make when writting English are spelling ones, it is rather a grammar problem which usually comes from a bad or a lack of learning at the begining of secondary school . :) But everyone is different, maybe some just dislike the language and so they somehow give up.

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