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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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le 26/10/2007 à 20:19
I know it sounds unbelievable, but people who can both speak and write French and English properly DO exist. > Yes, and they're often called English teachers or bilingual people. ;(
Because have the English accent should be very difficult.
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le 26/10/2007 à 22:57
I think that accent comes with age, but you're supposed to live in the country, particularly the region where the accent come from, for a long time. But even with it, you cannot still have two different accents.

That's why my english tchr, who is a natural english speaker, not like my high school teacher was, has a really englishish french when she's talking to us, that's quite funny. Ü
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le 26/10/2007 à 23:36
Milocéane <> english accent is something invented by english teachers to try to get you to speak their way, but there's actually no english accent really, like, I'm bilingual and my accent is kind of a mix between american and british accent *don't ask why, I don't even know*

and the reason why people here write in english better than they do in french is because you're more careful when it's not your native language, something I've noticed a while ago, foreigners always speak french better than french people, and that's a fact xD because french people think they master this language, since it's their mother tongue, so they think they can twist it the way they want, whereas a foreigner always feels judged and feels as if he or she had to speak perfectly ^^
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 09:05
This is a weird thing, I've always been told not to mix accents, so I chose British, of course. It's much more elegant than this ugly American "vocal gelly".
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 10:14
I'm unable to recognize accents. :(
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 27/10/2007 à 10:15
dsch ~> That's maybe right in theory, but in reality I'm convinced that native people always speak better, or at least in an equal way, than foreigners. When you say "they think they can twist it the way they want" who are you speaking about ? Only teenagers and some adults on the web for example, but if you take a politic man or a journalist or even a teacher, all of them are speaking French quite properly. It always depends on the kind of people you choose.

And even if strangers try to speak perfectly, they always keep on making some mistakes for a couple of years, even it they're small, because languages like French or Spanish are very difficult compared to English. (with all the stupid things like genders and so on -_-" )

I sometimes hear that English speakers are lazy when it comes to learn foreign languages, because everyone always know at least a few English words so they can communicate anyway, maybe they just wonder "why bother ?"

Getting the English accent is maily in the intonation, as you know the french one is very monotonous whereas the English one in all the contrary. There is also the prononciation, but I don't think a French person who would say a sentence with a perfect syntax and prononciation but a French intonation would be properly understood by a native English speaker.

Was anyone able to read my whole post ?? :$
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 10:35
[quote=kasumi16]but if you take a politic man or a journalist or even a teacher, all of them are speaking French quite properly.[/quote]
It depends. Some journalists, politicians or corporate managers often invent stupid and useless words (in French at least). "[i]Bojor on va solutionner les problématiques client[/i] :-PPPPPP"
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le 27/10/2007 à 14:28
*when I talk about twisting the language I'm talking about french people*
but no, I mean, the way foreigners speak french is better because they've been told saying "ils croivent" or that kind or stuff wasn't correct so they don't say it, plenty of people make so many grammatical etc mistakes just because they think it's their language so they speak better,as Mut said plenty of french people invent useless expressions everyday...

[quote] I've always been told not to mix accents, so I chose British[/quote]

see, that's the perfect illustration of what I said.
When I learn a language I always try to speak it as if it was my native language, I don't think in french in my head or in english, just try to think in the language I'm speaking, keeps me from mixing with other languages

*but I keep saying stuff like "experiencer, afforder etc in french xD*

[quote]It's much more elegant than this ugly American "vocal gelly".[/quote]

that's your point of view, not everyone speaks the same way in america, what people call american accent is the accent from New York city that's all, it's like Paris' accent, people are always stressed up and stuff so they almost spit their words out as if they where in a hurry
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 18:30
Mut > In English it would be "recognise", dear.

dsch > In America, people ALL pronounce "r"s in words or a the end of them.*

Let's take the example of butter.
Brit : Battah
US : Beudeu"www"
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 19:04
Ah, -ise is English and -ize is American, I forgot...

Why the fuck don't they have a word for "citizen of the United States"? United States are not America. :(
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2007 à 19:28
Yeh be fucking right, buddy.
You are right, dear.

And also -our is British and -or American.
I definitely prefer English.
Membre en Mutation
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le 27/10/2007 à 22:11
There are too americans in my class 8)
It's so funny, I really like their accent. Many pupils in my school can speak english fluently (or for instance : english AND spanish AND french). It rocks 8) I wish I could speak many many languages... <3
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le 27/10/2007 à 22:44
Toch <> you've been travelling through all the US to be able to say that? I've been in Texas for a while and no one had that stupid texan accent people caricature so much, people didn't even speak the way you say ! And I was in San Antonio, not a small town -_-
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 28/10/2007 à 08:03
I don't mean they all have a Texan accent, but they pronounce "r"'s, that's all. The official, perfect American pronounciation we can hear on TV or on radio is similar to what I say, even though some don't speak that way.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 28/10/2007 à 11:15
Please don't make fun of me but.....:(
As for me, the American version of the anime of Pokemon [for example xDD] is much more easily understandable (Does this structure really exist ?? xD) than the British one. And it's not "jelly" at all. :/
[HS]I love Ash's voice ! 8)8)[/HS]
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 28/10/2007 à 11:20
It's normal, it's for kids ! "Teudayyyyy I'm beginning my jeurrrrrnyyyy to beucaaaame a Powkeymon mèèèsteurrrrr"
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 28/10/2007 à 11:40
I know this, I'm just saying that British people didn't really make any efforts to speak more slowly or anything, contrary to the Americans. :)
Montblanc The Mog
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le 28/10/2007 à 13:24
Yup, I think the British accent is a little ehhh..... dull, like last years's english teacher lol :
gooooood mmàààààrniiiing pioupulllssss howwww aaaaare youuuuuuuuuu touuudayyyiiiii ?
I pretty much more like the Texan accent (wwwesstern spaghetti !!)

Personnally, I'd have liked an english version of pokemon diamond and pearl in France as well because I rreeeeaaaaalllly love the english name's.

There's an Australian student in our class, I can't understand a dang thing she says.
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le 28/10/2007 à 18:53
I'm not talking about texan accent in general, I know what you mean, but I was saying that, even in Texas where people are supposed to speak worst, they all are understable and most people don't speak like on TV.... It's like people who say that british accent is wonderful, just stay in the center of London, cocni accent what a mess, the worst accent in the world and no one, not even british people, can understand it xD

Australian accent is a funny thing, depending on where the person's from some times it sounds like british accent, some times it sounds like nothing.. xD
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le 28/10/2007 à 20:05
Why we have made this topic ?
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 28/10/2007 à 23:39
For the [strike]n00bs[/strike] not to come. :halloween
And also to have fun in the language of Shakespeare.
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le 29/10/2007 à 00:38
who is "we" ?:?

the interesting part of this topic is that you have to have a certain knowledge of the english language to understand it, and so a certain a certain knowledge as well, which makes it quiete selective but rather attractive ... :p *to me at least xD*
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 29/10/2007 à 10:15
Yeah, and some people should really learn how to ask a question. :lol
However..... this topic was funnier when we spoke about Britney Spears and Harry Potter.

dsch don't take it personaly but I'd like to know, how can you give your pov for each accent...
Are you pretending to have already heard every single English accent existing in the World? xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/10/2007 à 11:32
Personnally, I like the British accent, and also the Scottish one, with the "rRRRrrr" :lol !

At school, we're reading Wide Sargasso Sea [John Rhys]. Has anyone heard of it, or studied it ?
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le 29/10/2007 à 11:56
kasumi <> 'course not, people don't even have the same accent in the same regions xD it's like saying I've heard every kind of french accent xD naa just I know quiete a bit of people from here and there ^^'
but anyway yeah, lets go back on a rather less polemical topic ^^'

who read Harry Potter 7 when it came out in july anyway ?:?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/10/2007 à 11:58
Many people, of course. I've read it in a week, once in July and once in September, so I'm not buying the French version. I'm trying to dl it, however, but shush !
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:09
This accent sucks for me. :beurk

Between American and English accent, er... Well, I like both.

I don't read HP7. I know the end of the saga, and really, I think it doesn't rock at all.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:16
I did like that book, even though most of the story takes place far away from Hogwarts. However, the end is a little bit weird, I had expected more informations about the future...
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:23
the ending was way too... expectable ? that was one weak point, but well, the book wasn't bad

and as I said, british accent doesn't really mean a thing, like cocni is british, and cocni sounds like crap
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:26

What's that word ?
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:30
what word ? xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:34
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:35
Of course 8)
DémoniMembre Evolué
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le 29/10/2007 à 12:36
Hi, lol.
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le 29/10/2007 à 13:11
cocni, that's what people speak in London intra muros, and damn that sounds awful, worst than texan accent I can assure you xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 4/11/2007 à 13:10
"worst than" OOOOOH you talking-trashcan >< !

Nothing's worse than Texas' accent, really *vomits*

Well, let's talk about something else [but what ?]
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le 4/11/2007 à 13:16
Bitch, come on the discussing topic please. :p
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 4/11/2007 à 13:19
First, don't call me a bitch, we'll see later for the rest.
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le 4/11/2007 à 13:59
how come I don't have the whole halloween vacation xD ok I'm not supposed to have it but at least if they give it to us just let it go all the way 'til thursday, not tomorrow ><
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 13:57
Hi everyone ! I've decided to move up this topic. What could we talk about... Maybe the American elections ? Who do you support ?
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 14:19
I support Barack Obama 'cause he's handsome! Wow that was a joke, I'm not silly. xD

He doesn't want to continue the war in Irak, so if I was American (and 18 ) I'd vote for him. 8)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 14:24
He's handsome, indeed, especially the picture at the beach (Google images > "Obama"). But Hilary Clinton's quite nice too ^^ !

McCain isn't, however.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 16:32
Ich bin nicht gut heute.
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le 26/3/2008 à 16:56
Throughout all the candidates I'd rather vote for Hillary Clinton. I don't really know what's all Obama's campaign about, and the country definitely doesn't need any more republicans at its head xD nooo more xD
The whole country needs to be rebuilt, still a few months to wait ^^'
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 26/3/2008 à 17:04
Can we just speak about something less serious than that Obama/Clinton debate ? \o/
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 17:06
That's not serious because they don't really know what they talking about.
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 26/3/2008 à 17:07
You may be right, Requiem. xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 18:15
Requiem, if you came here to insult us, you can go out whenever you please (and even earlier). And formal English is requested here.

I agree with dsch, I think the USA need a change, a somewhat fresher air.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 18:18
I'm not here for you. You're not the world's center.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 26/3/2008 à 18:20
The [i]centre of the world[/i], I'd say.

When I say "us", I mean myself and people who were talking with me about the American elections.

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