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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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Hazel Dark
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le 10/4/2008 à 20:52
Yeeeeeees, he's IYA.
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le 11/4/2008 à 08:21
http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=260 I just had to post that xD
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 11/4/2008 à 09:01
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 11/4/2008 à 09:08
I think the comics is funny, but I don't understand the comics, and I don't understand this topic.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 11/4/2008 à 09:39
Stay the Hell out of my sight !
I love Ash's face at that moment. :lol
But I completely understand him, how many people have wished to say that to team rocket ! X'D
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 11/4/2008 à 16:37
The only thing I liked is the "Meowth, that's right". Apart from that, this comic strip is pretty bad.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 11:43
Look at this, and try to say it all !

Sorry for the double-post ^^", but I had to show you !
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 11:45
HAAAAN. You make a double-post, you are evil ! I spe ak ve ry goude angliche, dont I ?
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 15/4/2008 à 12:31
I can say for sure that "HAAAAN" is definitly not an English word ! :lol
(Togepi, just go out of this body !! x'D)

Well it's funny, maybe a bit hard I guess, but not impossible at all and I really don't understand the man who said that he'd prefer six months at hard labor instead of reading it aloud. O_o
No wonder, he was French. ^.^'
Okay, the beginnig was easier, then it's going creepy. But still. :lol
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 12:32
You are crazy.
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 14:13
Ok people I need help with translation.

How would you say "centre ville" if you are talking of implementing selling location "en centre ville" ? Town center ? City center ? Downtown ?

How would you say "agglomération" if you are talking of "une agglomération de plus de XXXX inhabitants ? Urban center ? Metropol ? Suburbs ? Urban area ? City area ?

How would you say "l'enjeu des/de ..." in terms of économical issue ? The issue of ? The challenge of ? The importance of ?

Anyway, thanks for any help.
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le 15/4/2008 à 17:12
actually it depends, I would to to say centre ville more like the American way :downtown.

For agglomération, urban area doesn't sound bad

and for l'enjeu, you could say the economical issues yes, you've said it all actually xD glad to have helped you anyway :p xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:34
http://baetzler.de/humor/english_pronounciation.html (I repost it for those who haven't seen it).

"Enjeu" can be said "wager", but I think it's generally for a bet, a riddle or a game.
"Centre-ville" can be said "Centre Business District (CBD)".
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:39
Toch <> CBD is more of what you learn at school, but yeah as it looks like an economics work, it could work as well, but there are plenty of words for that.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:41
Just a thing: economy is the name, economic the adjective. Economical designates something cheep ^^"...
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:41
But isn't "City Center" the most common one for British English ? That's what I'd have used anyway.:$
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:44
Thanks dsch for helping me to make these choices.

I will go with "city center" for "centre ville" because the audience is British, thanks KazU.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:45
Long live the Brits !
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:46
Toch <> cheap, cheep I don't remember what it means but it has no point, and economics, is the general subject, when you talk about stock options or classes, and it is always a plural ^^

Kazu <> true ^^ as I said, I go more often for the American option xD
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:47
You're welcome. ^^
Toch, didn't you mean "cheap" instead of "cheep"...? O_o
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:48
I did ^^".

dsch, I said that after you said "economical", I knew for "economics" :lol !
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:50
Toch <> aah crap I didn't get that one that way xD yeah I just use the -al suffixe randomly xD at least I'll go to bed less stupid tonight
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 15/4/2008 à 19:56
I'm happy I could teach something to an English student (not a British student, a boy who studies English XD !).
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le 15/4/2008 à 20:06
Toch <> the problem here is that I'm [i]supposed[/i] to speak english fluently, and even though I'm doing an English degree at college, I'm bloody losing it xDD !
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le 15/4/2008 à 20:13
My head hurts;(
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 16/4/2008 à 21:08
My hearts bleeds.
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le 16/4/2008 à 21:22
And love is aaaaaaall :musique
Membre Ultime
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le 18/4/2008 à 08:04
I have watched the film"disco" and I want just say one thing-->SHAKE YOUR BODY
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le 18/4/2008 à 08:33
is it good ? ^^' 'cause I haven't heard much about it.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 18/4/2008 à 13:14
I don't think so. :( Some of my friends went to the theatre to saw it last week but I just refused to go with them. Looks like a mix between "Camping" and "Les bronzés". I think they didn't like it either. French movies are getting worse every year... --'
Membre Ultime
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le 18/4/2008 à 14:30
It was well.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/4/2008 à 16:02
I can't stand that Franck Dubosc, to me he is neither funny bor clever. His shows are bad, and so is "Camping". Disco mustn't be better.
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le 18/4/2008 à 19:48
hey Dubosc is funny, he has that typically french sense of humour, he's over exagerating everything, I just love it.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/4/2008 à 19:57
If this is French humour, I don't want to be French anymore.
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le 18/4/2008 à 20:02
No but I mean, the middle class part. Like, the bad-chick-picker, who thinks he's just great and loved by every one, I love that self-derision of him ^^
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/4/2008 à 20:03
I don't like his voice, his eyes, everything in him. I prefer Gad Elmaleh or Florence Floresti.
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le 18/4/2008 à 20:17
Wait this is pointless xD You're stoping you critic to physical aspects xD In what way is a person's appearance involved in the way he is and acts ? xD
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 18/4/2008 à 21:21
Dubosc is probably quite funny in his one man shows, but everytime he makes a movie it's like a big failure for me. :/ And he's probably one the reasons why the Guignols de l'info keep on mocking French movies again and again. *The Telerama authors support this post x'D*
I personnlay like better the kind of humour you find in Little Miss Sunshine for example. 8)
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le 19/4/2008 à 18:10
Never seen any movies of him xD I just like his one man shows . And no, the guignol mock French movies because they all look like author's film xD
Membre en Mutation
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le 19/4/2008 à 18:48
If you want touch the sky, fuck a duck and try to fly.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 19/4/2008 à 19:03
You didn't see camping ? Believe me, you didn't miss anything ! :lol I saw it in the bus during a school trip, it was so poor, I think I didn't even laugh once. --' *Next time let us sleep in peace please. XD* But he's funny when he doesn't play in those kinds of movies, like in the [i]Petites annonces[/i]. >D
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 20/4/2008 à 13:03
Maybe he is just trying to make money with those sucking movies. Disco is even worse than camping.

Anyway, french movies are not only author's movies, just look at Bienvenue chez les chti's or the Asterix ones.

There is hope !
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le 21/4/2008 à 09:27
yeah I know I was just talking about the Guignol's caricature xD
And come on last the Asterix movie just sucked, I was feeling every cents I've put into the ticket xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 11:18
I enjoyed it, but that's all. I didn't suck to me, but it really was uncomparable to the others.
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 11:45
The last one is better than the first, I think.

But true it was shit compared to Astérix et Cléopatre.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 12:08
Oh, did you really prefer the third to the first ? I didn't, the first is funny and cute !
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 12:09
What is the second ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 12:10
Astérix and Cleopatra.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 12:14
Ok, and the first ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 21/4/2008 à 12:15
Astérix against Ceasar.

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