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![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 21/4/2008 à 12:18 |
Ok, thank you. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 21/4/2008 à 17:09 |
oh come on, the third one was just about special guests and special effect. The only commercial they made on it was that it costed a lot and they had Alain Delon xD There was no story and the only funny jokes were Caesar's ones, I was very disapointed by the poorness of the scenario. And true that the first one was bad as well. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 21/4/2008 à 18:26 |
I totally agree, the second one was really awesome but it was the only one. Only two things made me laugh in the third one : the Caesar's "Ave me" (xD), and everytime Alexandre Astier appeared. I'm a huge fan of that man, his humour is just great ! "Well then, tortoise pannel from the animal point of view..!" 8) |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 21/4/2008 à 19:25 |
the "mirror taster !" wasn't bad either xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 27/4/2008 à 19:31 |
Alain Delon is quite great as Caesar ! "Ave me" is funny, and also "Caesar doesn't get older. He matures." ! |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 27/4/2008 à 23:42 |
Hello World , it's my first time in da mix , so i would to say that the website is not like 4 years ago and then HITLER system is set on . i luve myself ^^ |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 28/4/2008 à 12:34 |
ok DM xD I quiete understand the general idea but your whole thing doesn't really make any sense xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 28/4/2008 à 14:11 |
i know that my english suck ;p , but the important is done |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 1/5/2008 à 17:59 |
Hi everyone, I need a bit of help ! ^0^ Well it's not really for me actually. =P An English teacher from my mother's high school needed to translate the French expression "fait de société" (I mean not only some kind of equivalent words, the exact way English people say it) and she didn't know so she asked the whole English section but no one was able to answer her. O_° Even the assistant hadn't got any idea, I think it's because she didn't get the meaning of the French expression though. x'D So, does anyone have a clue of what it could be ? I looked for it on the web and found "trend" but I'm not sure it really fits. Thanks in advance for any answer. ;-] |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 1/5/2008 à 18:30 |
Well in trend you have the idea of something that most people follow, like fashion or idea, it's more like the word "mode". I don't know the word for that either, that's one idiotism xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 1/5/2008 à 19:22 |
And I think it's also something that doesn't last for too long, so yeah it's not really the same thing. =( BoohoO dsch I expected you to know that word ! >__< Thank you anyway. :( |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 2/5/2008 à 11:50 |
ok I've asked my step-mother and she told me that trend was good enough actually. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 2/5/2008 à 21:12 |
But, my mother disagrees, she says that 'trend' can only be for something that would be temporary, and that it's not what a 'fait de société' is. T_t For instance, the expression her friend is looking for could designate, I don't, the tea in Great Britain. ^^' It's not just a trend actually, it's more than that. Do you see what I mean ? :$ |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 2/5/2008 à 21:29 |
yeah it's like somthing "printed" in the society, something that is known and that doesn't change. Ok I see, well I haven't got a clue for that one xD Try to say "fey de sociétey" maybe people will get it xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 3/5/2008 à 19:57 |
Would an English teacher say that to her pupils ?! :lol I think I'm gonna give up, it seems that no one has ever heard of this expression before. >__< Thanks for your help anyway ! ^.^ |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:27 |
I've got a trap for you... How do you pronounce... "Corps" ? |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:36 |
you mean "corps" in english? KORP-SEU (every letters is pronounced) or do you mean in french? like "body" in english? %) |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:37 |
GOTCHA ! A corpse (un cadavre) >>> Cà pse. A corps (in the army for instance) >>> Cà . It's hard to write the pronunciatons. Because if you just pronounce "cà ", it's quite far from the truth... :mrgreen: |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:40 |
WTF :lol |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:44 |
ok I didn't get that one xD yeah corpse you pronounce it "corpse" and a corp does exist in singular. And wtf what's with the "^" that has nothing to do with phonetic, maybe in transcripting Japanese... in phonetic it would be ko: ps in RP and korps in American. it's strange Toch you speak so much like an English teacher. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 19:50 |
you know dsch, you made a point... HE'S A TEACHER, GET HIM. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 20:25 |
LETS BURN HIM !! *what would happen if, by any chance, I'd say I'm aiming to be an English teacher when I'm done with college. ? * |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 20:35 |
You'd be eaten by an army of hungry Metas... *You know, Might's secret project...* |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 20:40 |
oh yeah how's that project going ? Will the lordz still be the money to grow them or what ? When will they come ? WE WANT THE METAS !! |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 20:43 |
We ARE the metas... An old draft of the project: |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 20:58 |
waw, they seem to be so... complex beings... |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 14/6/2008 à 21:15 |
I know a bit of phonetics, but as no one understands them properly, I prefer using French writings, which mean nothing but are easier to understand for the lower-class :lol. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 10/10/2008 à 18:50 |
crap, I'm in London right now *bloody qwerty keyboard ><* warmer than France I can't believe it xD but damn it's less expansive than France here, cant believe it xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 10/10/2008 à 21:29 |
In England, products cheaper than France? That's a joke xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 10/10/2008 à 21:32 |
believe me xD right now I'm in London xD books, CDs, you can save up to 2euros, which ain't nothing xD But food and cigarettes are still way dearer >< but the funny thing is that I was walking at 10pm *30 minutes ago* only with a shirt in the street and it wasn't cold at all. xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 10/10/2008 à 21:34 |
Travel on the 4th dimension tonight x) |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 10/10/2008 à 21:39 |
I swear xD well, tomorrow I'll go to Oxford street, huge shopping street, I'll tell you if there's a real difference xD |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 11/10/2008 à 08:35 |
Are you sure you're really in the British London ? %D I spent a few weeks in Torquay this summer, and everything there was just over expensive. I remember buying a manga book 7 pounds when in France it's 7 euros. xD (1 pound is about 1.50 euros so haha. . . =_=) |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 11/10/2008 à 09:41 |
I went to my old school yesterday, it was simply wonderful, all those memories, those people I was so happy to see again... I cried, of course :p! And my English teachers told me that if I wanted the CAPES, I'd get it! :D |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 11/10/2008 à 17:47 |
kazu <> right now it's 1,20euro for 1£. but with that economic crisis prices are going low today I've bought a bass guitar xD bought 150 quids *after a few negociations to save 9£* the same one in France is 300euros. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 11:50 |
'sup everybody. The topic's been down for a bit more than a year so I figured that I might want to up it, so there it is, how has everything been going for you all during all this time ? |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 11:52 |
in two words : cluster headache :( |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 11:55 |
Flori <> Work getting on your nerves or something ? |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 21:59 |
This is madness this topic :o Sorry, my english is a little rusty :x |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 23:03 |
Don't post, it's better from all. :mrgreen: |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 23/4/2010 à 23:36 |
Well as I always say, as long as people understand what you mean, you've done your work. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 24/4/2010 à 00:38 |
F*ck. my boyfriend is just a child ... a 20 years old children. He as made me a scene because i did not answer to a message he sent me last night ... at 3 am. i was busy this morning and i knew we were gonne see each other for lunch so i thought it would be useless to give him a response by sms while i would be abble to say it to him some hours later. if i had known boys could be worse than women, i would not be a faggot. |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 24/4/2010 à 02:01 |
wow dude faggot (-get ?) is quiete strong I don't think that's what you really wanted to use right ? xD Well boys are not worst, they're just different, maybe the guy was really expecting an answer for that text, even if it seemed useless to you, you never know how much people can value silly things ^^ |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 24/4/2010 à 21:00 |
It's not good to speak english only between french people because we won't see our mistakes. I'm living with american people for already three months and I can tell that it's no use until you are directly in front of english speakers. And they speak in slang too so don't neglect slang, mo'fo! |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 24/4/2010 à 21:01 |
yeah a faggot means littelaly "une pedale", like someone who acts girlish and really loves it. Unless you really are a faggot (a real faggot, not a pokefag 8)) you won't say that |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 24/4/2010 à 23:12 |
okay, I thought it was the english equivalent of "pédé". So, what should i say ? i dislike the word "gay", there are alternatives ? |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 25/4/2010 à 00:20 |
I got used to speak english with some of my friends ^^. My english is getting better day by day %) |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 25/4/2010 à 00:42 |
Well when I was asking for faggot I meant, nobody says that, people tend to say more fagget, or fag, more "oral"; and sounds better as well. But a part from the word gay, which is the most "acceptable" one, I never really heard anything else in everyday life, maybe fag but, since one of the last south park episode has shown very brilliantly, fag's more a word to describe annoying people nowadays. Maybe queer ? Klarth <> where you at to be speaking like that ? Michigan :lol ? xD *and it's more "I've been living with American people for 3 months now"* |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 25/4/2010 à 09:24 |
It's not disrespectful to say "gay", in my opinion. You're either straight or gay (normally...) so don't be afraid saying that (at least prefer saying gay than faggot or MACHOU KAZEH) And dsch, for your GOUVERNE, grammatical mistakes is not a problem in english speaking, so SCREW YOU!. And for the canadian girl, for someone who translate KFC into POULET FRIT DU KENTUCKY, i won't add any comments! |
![]() [ Utilisateur déconnecté ] Envoyer un MP le 25/4/2010 à 12:53 |
Well even if no one cares, it still sounds weir bro' ! And it's not even syntax, it's just using the wrong word I'm talking about here. And where you at in the States ? |