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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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le 25/4/2010 à 12:58
I'm in no man's world ahi!
Le Cacophone
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le 26/4/2010 à 19:01
Seriously, your suckness at speaking such a simple and stupid language is giving me the chills. This is just a random taunt.
They see me trollin', they hatin', moderatin' and tryin' to catch me TROLLIN DIRTY. 8)

On another note, have you seen the movie Jacob's Ladder ? It's pretty freakin' good.
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le 26/4/2010 à 23:28
Well a friend told me about when I was getting into silent hill 2, but never got a chance to watch it though, freakin crazy I heard.
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le 28/4/2010 à 21:03
I'm alone on the forum at 10 PM, on Wednesday, the 28th of April 2010. :(
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le 30/4/2010 à 02:34

Hey guys what's going on???!
I'm having a day off school today. I'm about to have some lunch and then I'll watch tv... hmm I can't think of anything else to write.

How are you all?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 30/4/2010 à 12:08
This language is anything but stupid, and believe me I'm learning Swedish right now, it's way easier :lol

Nevertheless, I gotta admit that when you compare English and French... You're damn right :)
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le 30/4/2010 à 12:12
Well doing fine as well, here in the Parisian suburbs it's been school vacations for 2 weeks, starts back on monday ^^ And for me 3 weeks then exams and then well... hopefully I'll graduate, otherwise who knows what's gonna happen to me :lol
What do you study ?
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le 30/4/2010 à 17:14
Hey dsch ! You haven't been coming here for quite a long time, have you ? As you can see we really missed you on the rock topic... :[b][/b]p

Well I hesitated a lot before posting here because I know my English isn't perfect (and I don't like being ridiculous !) but now I haven't got English lessons at school anymore I think it's a good idea to keep practicing... I don't want it to become REALLY bad ! I'm looking forward to visiting Scotland one of these years and I don't think I can trust my boyfriend to make ourselves understandable there or anywhere else. :[b][/b]D

How are you and your girlfriend doing ? Still living together ?
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 1/5/2010 à 11:10
ahah my english is very bad too (but I'm sure that you're modest mummy :b) and I'm ashamed to post here

But as my Dad (winot the first) says : le ridicule ne tue pas ! <- in english ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 1/5/2010 à 18:30
[quote]le ridicule ne tue pas ! <- in english ?[/quote]
Thou shalt not be killed by shame ?
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le 2/5/2010 à 00:45
Ridicule never did anyone any harm.

DS <> I come quiete often but nothing really interesting to post on though, and yeah poor rock topic, living on 4 people xD
How come you don't have any English lessons ? Me I'm getting sick of it, 3rd year of Anglophone Litterature and useless linguistic details, the hell with the uni.

And yop, still living with my girlfriend *that's one of the reasons I come less than before as well xD*, been a bit more than 2 months, and still doing great I'm loving it ^^ *I even appreciate my job in Disney ^^*
Père Nowel Admin
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le 28/7/2011 à 19:51
Hey, what's up in the english topic land ? 8)

Dsch, are you still working at Disney ?

(I don't think that this topic can stand long, specially when you see it didn't with a lot more activity on the forum)
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le 28/7/2011 à 19:58
Oh boy, I was waiting for someone bringing that thread back up'.

But now I realize that I don't have much business to be blabbing about.
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le 28/7/2011 à 20:27
Zhu <> nope, I'm actually a field service engineer now, in gynecological diagnosis. (basically I take care of diagnosis machines, installations maintenance repair and what nots, actually I have a pretty nice pack up tomorrow morning in Valenciennes, staying at a hotel over there for the night)
What have you been up to for all this time ? Studying ? Working ?

Blade <> No needs for bladgering ideological debates here it's just a crappy English spoken version of the EDD ini :p

(Zhu <> for fk's sake it's dsch with small caps ><)
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 28/7/2011 à 20:37
[quote]gynecological diagnosis[/quote]
Nice difference between this and Disney. x)
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le 28/7/2011 à 20:43
I lol'd.
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le 28/7/2011 à 20:58
yeah went from mice to pussies :) *noop i did not say that !*
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 29/7/2011 à 07:38
I eaten an apple.

*Oh ! A door*
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le 29/7/2011 à 10:38
No, pogoléon.

I ate an apple/ I have eaten an apple.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/7/2011 à 11:20

Pogoléon => é____è
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le 29/7/2011 à 18:05
Yeah sure every one's a grammar specialist and can handle every tense real nice ( may I quote a certain picture with a pikachu subtitled with a crappy falsy phrase with the word 'hugging' used as a donkey speaking portuguese :-* ?)

(blade <> no I sure ain't spotting you don't pick a fuss right xD)

That's what's annoying when you go from a language with so many tenses like French (even though people only use like 4 or 5 tenses) to English that technically only has 4 :(

Anyway, Week-end came, EVEN-fucka-TUALLY !! 8)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/7/2011 à 18:09
I deleted this comment :(
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le 29/7/2011 à 18:15
It has been there so you're not really the type that can laugh at other's bad grammar ini :p

Anyway people, what do you have planned for this summer ? (even though it's already halfway through :()
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 29/7/2011 à 18:46
Errr... Nothing... Exept sleep. x)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 29/7/2011 à 18:50
Working to earn money x______x
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le 31/7/2011 à 12:27
Come on you all summer's for going out and mostly enjoy the weather and having fun. Are you guys telling me all that's up is working and/or staying home ? Wha a crappy time you got there !
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le 31/7/2011 à 17:53
As in, working while summer vacation isn't summer vacation.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 1/8/2011 à 12:00
I work to buy the 3DS, iPhone (5), and other things I want since some months TT
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le 1/8/2011 à 15:40
I've been wanting for a while/a few months, per se :-*

Anyway, as long as every one still have some free and enjoyable time. I'm having a week vacation by the end of the month. And off to Am fokin sterdam mates ! (yeah I know, said that a few times already... :) )
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 2/8/2011 à 23:15
Fuckin'3DS, I've been working for 6 weeks to have money to do a trip in Europe, and I couldn't resist tu buy it ><'
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 2/8/2011 à 23:36
Wait the 12th august. :mrgreen:
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le 3/8/2011 à 00:06
Mate this is what a call a hell of a waste !
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 3/8/2011 à 00:07
I hate you all.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 3/8/2011 à 01:20
I loled !
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le 3/8/2011 à 06:35
Omyk it's you! :D Hi! How are you? ^_^
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 7/9/2011 à 15:25
You realize the pass is dying when a topic no one contributed to in more than a month is still on the front page. :') Pff s'ok, I stopped coming too... uh, I have nothing to say, I just wanted to post here because I used to love this thread.

dsch if you can still read me, weren't you an English major at some point? I think I remember something like that.

I'd like to study abroad next year but it scares the living crap out of me, except I think I need to do it before I graduate or I'll have to pay tuiton? That's what a friend told me. ):


/le random post of doom.

[moins]i apologize if i sound like i have broken english, my brain is at the cleaner's, along with my hoodie and my fuck you flip flops.[/moins]
Le Cacophone
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le 7/9/2011 à 15:32
Zis is a very ztrange state of affairs, az you can si, zi topic is dead and is not at zi same time.
AngiMembre Evolué
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le 7/9/2011 à 15:37
It's Schrodinger's topic! 8)
Le Cacophone
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le 7/9/2011 à 15:40
Meow. :3
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 27/10/2011 à 05:07
Loving the States this year!
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le 12/7/2012 à 12:05
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le 7/1/2013 à 09:00
Bloody H this place is wrecked. Come on y'all gimme something here ! What's up ? Who's been doing what ?
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le 7/1/2013 à 11:13
Oh yeah what a topic dsch, I want to speak in English <3 (and in German also, someone here can speak in German? ;p)

And I want also the return of Restless Dream ><
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 7/1/2013 à 11:25
I don't speack english. but I want to study this langage.
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le 7/1/2013 à 12:05
Sorry darling I'm only in for English and maybe spanish. And yeah, where are damn the folks from Canada gone ?

Shaka <> well you speak well enough to me, I say one good way to lvl up is to watch shows and movies in ov (in the case of english speaking stuff).
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 7/1/2013 à 12:52
But If I see one movie in english without subtitles I don't seize nothing.
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le 7/1/2013 à 13:32
Try using English subtitles :-) (you can't use seize for that :-P)
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 7/1/2013 à 16:37
I understand better when were Spanish subtitles ! :'(
DémoniMembre Ultime
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le 13/1/2013 à 20:18
visse ize véry anouayingue
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le 13/1/2013 à 22:11
Shaka <> when were ? :? Vale pone los subtitulos en espanol ya :p

Ex <> iaiss ay no ! School time's back apparently, it's got to be !

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