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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:38
This world is nonsense...
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:39
HEY ><

lecherous ><

(pas sure de l'ortho par contre)
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:40
as it always was, I mean, how come a black widow's venom can kill a man in 20 minutes and does nothing to a cat ? That's just pointless, black widows don't eat men as far as I know *nor cats actually...*

*I know where the exit is thanks...*

what's "lecherous" ?:?
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:45
Just "sorry", is that easy to understand ? Good night everyone. ;)

Edit : I think that he means "licker" when he says "lecherous". :lol
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:45
dsch~> in french is ''pervers'' :- *
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:46
What d'you mean "sorry" ? Talking to them two ?

'night Might *oh ! killin' rime...*

ice<> why don't you just fuckin' say "pervert" ? :lol

Might<> ice is a she :$
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:48
Talking to everyone who will see this message. I apologize because this community didn't deserve what happened tonight, and we lost some good admins.

Anyway, this topic is an excellent idea. Congrats ;)

Edit : Then sorry miss Ice !
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:49
Hey!! ><
I'm not a guy :'(
I'm a lady :'(
damit, you don't remember me might? :'(
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:51
Of course I remember you Vodkice, you're even in the comic strip about Pokélord that Meli drawed a year ago (already a year ?! !!!) ;)

But I didn't remember that you were a lady. Sorry :^^
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:52
Might<> ah ok, yeah people were talking about it quiet a lot, I wrote a piece about it on the topic about that lord story thing *quiete bad as well...*

But that's weird, everybody leaving and all that shit... Weird...
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:55
Yea, and I think that all those problems will help the brand new PokéPass to begin - or continue - on good new basics, new adminstrators, new users, everything new ;)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:56
I'm not in it...

well, I think she made a allusion(pas sure du mot la) of me but I'm not really in it...
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:58
I know but "you're" one of my favourite moments in it because the name "Vodkice" comes when we don't wait for it :$
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:59
new naabs as well... xD
Césarium Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 01:01
We'll see. Oops, 3AM ... Good (short ?) night everyone ! ;)
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 01:02
thanks :- *

do yo want my autographe? :- *

okay, good night :o
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le 18/7/2006 à 01:05
yep, well ice is in Quebec ini ? Earlier for her xD

but yeah, it's running late -_-'
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le 18/7/2006 à 01:10
dsch, still awake at this late hour?
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le 18/7/2006 à 01:13
always mate

gotta clean my house before my dad gets back, gotta prepare my suitcase 'cause I'm leaving for Brussels with a few friends on wednesday
Membre Evolué
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le 18/7/2006 à 08:23
is there someone how s living in usa?
cause I m living in a fucking country call Taiwan
and there people are only speaking chines
and inglish
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 18/7/2006 à 08:28
[i]"Don't make me close one more door,
I don't wanna hurt anymore.
Stay in my arms if you dare,
Or must I imagine you there.
Don't walk away from me.
I have nothing, nothing, nothing."[/i]
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 08:29
Who dared to say that Vodkice is a lady??? :lol

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le 18/7/2006 à 08:32
I create the tab for the drums for my metal band, it's difficult.
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:03
She's a monkey, the special monkey agent 666. Her name is Kong, Queen Kong. :lunettes
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:05
Neo' => Exactly :^^ :lol
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:08
Follement compréhensible !
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:11
Forever n00b. :/
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:12
Miphum => If they were any ironical tone in those words, I would have answered "Yes, It is".... :$ :lol

If you don't want to speak english, you should better leave this topic :^^
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le 18/7/2006 à 09:19
Sa compte le néerlandais :P Ik spreek nederlands hein ! En jij ? *fuit*
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:23
shad<> ne, all I can say in dutch is "Ik gaan naar de biescop" and I ain't even sure of the orthography but anyway, only english here

and I've been in USA for like 5 months, I'm going 6 months or maybe more when I'm done with the bac next year

dareen<> yeah, quiete hard, I tried to write a guitar one once, but never finished it...
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:32
Jag kanner en bott, hon heter Anna, Anna heter hon.
I know a bot, her name is Anna, Anna is her name.
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:34
you could as well replace Anna by Patou...

love that song 8) xD
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:35
Hum, passe-partout on dit passkey et quoi d'autre ?
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:38
passkey and that's it, I know their was another word, can't find it back...
Membre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:39
Oh, it's running today...

ronflex bien gras
Membre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:47
[g]rainning [/g]
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le 18/7/2006 à 11:53
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 12:02
It's not raining...:$
Nouveau Membre
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le 18/7/2006 à 12:04
Running = Course

rainning = pluie.
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le 18/7/2006 à 12:05
what ? are you people telling me that there are actually 2 "n"s ?:?

kojak<> raining is a state, rain is "pluie"
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 12:06
Acyually, there is only one "n" to raining..:lol
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le 18/7/2006 à 12:07
aah knew it

not like that time S.MAX told me I've been doing the same mistake for about 10 years, been writting "chançon" instead of "chanson" stoopid me -_-'
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 13:23
Tomorrow I go to Scotland for two weeks, I'll become an English-speaking roxxor :')

Edit longtemps après : non pas tant que ça en fait, j'ai presque pas parlé anglais hahaz.
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 18/7/2006 à 13:25
[i]"Jag känner en bott, hon heter Patou, Patou heter hon
Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt
Hon röjer upp i våran Passlord
Jag vill berätta för dig, att jag känner en bott"[/i]

And in Shakespeare's langage:

[i]"I know a bot, his name is Patou, Patou is his name.
He can ban you, ban you so hard.
He cleans up our Passlord.
I want to tell you that I know a bot."[/i]
Nouveau Membre
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le 18/7/2006 à 15:51
Mut<> ow yeay, aand ye'll speaake weeth ay werrrd accent thaat nou wone will anderrstaand 8)8à
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le 18/7/2006 à 15:53
I don't speak english very well. :$
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le 18/7/2006 à 15:54
Ai kant spik anglish.
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 15:59
We're all here to learn :^^.
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 16:05
Zhuquarnage and neo~> I hate you two so much 8) :-*
Membre Evolué
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le 18/7/2006 à 16:46
Certain guys said that this video all in English was difficult to understand, so i put it here:


Enjoy ^_^

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