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Sujet: Da english yopic iz back

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le 17/7/2006 à 22:10
Alright, the stupid is back, after I don't know how many times of deleting or whatever, so, the only language spoken here is english, no abreviation and craps.

If you have problem understanding what's going just ask, but no matter what happens, no french

sooo, some one got a topic ?

*si vous pigez quedalle un ptit "I don't understand, can anyone explain ?"

ahora, as the tradition asks it :

1) pala pam pam pam I love [plus][plus][b][rouge]n[/rouge]youtèla[/plus][/plus][/b]©
2) voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir ooooh yeah~~
3) ...
4) I love dsch
5) no
6) put 100 000£orz on a swizza account belonging to dsch...
7) the roof is on fire, we don't need no water let the motherfucker burn, burn motherfucker !
8) han ! owned by the 8)
9) dsch president
10) command a plate of pink prawn from Azeirbaidjan

sorry guys...
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:10
We lose some of our Admins today. :'(
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:13
yeah, this forum is going down, first a lot of members started to leave, now it's the admin who are quitting, and Mite is back.... hell wtf ? :lol
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:13
Neo' => Not today, yesterday :^^


Yes, my flowers are beautiful;)
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:15
hey Zhu, no one ever told you that you look like the guy who does the weather show after the news on TF1 ? Sebastien something xD
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:16
dsch => Sébastien Folin?

Thousand times..:'(
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:16
Okay d00d thanks for tha topic:^^
Why there's a stupid SALC?
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:16
I speak English, lol.
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:17
Wow. Hum.
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:18
Zhu<> I knew it :lol

SSMboss<> just wait a sec

that's like a tradition that always goes with each of my topics (exept on the "serious" part)
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:18
[quote]who are quitting[/quote]
who are leaving

*to quit = arrêter de faire quelquechose qu'on a l'habitude de faire*
*ex: Because the weather is too hot, I had to quit eating chocolate :'[*
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:18
Zhu is not really sad about this event.

His heart is filled with hope because he knows that soon, Elpin's position would be his'....

Yes, I can see trough the fog that you had summoned little zhu.
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:20

I want to want. *leaving*
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:21
Kukuxumusu => You should better change glasses to see correct through the fog :^^ :lol
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:21
You can want me freely.

Edit zhu; Oh really ?
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:21
Hi Kukuxumusu. Happy to see you. :)
Kuku la Praline
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:22
Not for long my friend.

Oh yes by the way zu how do you know I wear glasses ?
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:23
you can quit a job as well

So, Zhu is ambitious, that's a good point *depends how far he's willing to go for it...*
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:24
Kux' => My sixth sense, maybe..:lol
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:25
Fuck U I don't like speaking english and I dunno if my english is good but I think it sucks. If I wanna speak english there is gaiaonline.
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:26
I hate that gaiaonline thing, my cousin shown me, don't get the point of it anyway...

and fuck you right back ma'am
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:28
[quote]So, Zhu is ambitious, that's a good point *depends how far he's willing to go for it...*[/quote]

Looks like you're jumping some steps..:$

I never said or showed any sign of an ambition, have I?
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:32
no but...

why did I say that anyway ? xD
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:32
My fucking GBA have a fucking game inside called Pokemon Emerald with muthafucking Pokemon like Wailord, Milotic and fucking Pikachu. No I'm not fucking training Pikachu now, I'm fucking training my Wailord called Wiltord. Okay niggas?
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:34
What's the whole fucking point of having a fucking Pikachu in your stoopid fucking team man ? And I would be concidered as a paky, no nigga, understood ? White ass
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:40
ce genre de topic, ça marche trois jours =)
Père Nowel Admin
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:44
Sun => More, if people don't come to speak French... moreover to say the kinds of things you have....
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:44
Sun<> the last one lasted about 10 month, some anti-search-function tried to make some but we always brought this one back, anyway, no french you doofus -_-'
AngiMembre en Mutation
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:53
Aux US entre amis on s'appelle toujours "négros", c'est pas péjoratif:^^
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le 17/7/2006 à 22:57
en fait, y a que les renois qui s'appellent nigga, tkt jconnais j'ai campé là bas pas mal de temps

but anyway, people call me paki, habit xD
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 17/7/2006 à 23:45
welcome back english topic :o
aza 115
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le 17/7/2006 à 23:53
stop saying f*** in all posts damnit
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le 17/7/2006 à 23:54
What a nice thread.

At first I intended to leave without posting in any non-official topic...
Sounds like English still has this attractive effect on my mind, though - as soon as the title came into my view, I couldn't help answering; and with some certainty (does that word at least exist ? I may have read it somewhere or heard it or anything, but I can't remember exactly in what circumstances. Nevertheless, as English does use French-sounding words most often than your average reader might think, there is actually a pretty good chance for 'certainty' being an actual dictionnary word and myself looking like an idiot for keeping doubts about it - to that I'll answer "je doute donc je suis" (and it isn't written in English, I tend to appreciate French words or sentences in an English text as being the ideal litterary esthetism. Does 'litterary' exist ? *just copy and paste there the preceding text block*)) writing whole paragraphs full of nonsense and hardly understandable to anyone considered having a functional, human brain.

Should be my last writing on there for a while...
*turns to viewer, grins and waves hand; then fades away slowly*
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le 17/7/2006 à 23:58
LN, how come I always have to read why you write twice xDD mate all this for that :lol

yeah, english uses a lot of french words because the french invaded England quiete a while ago and imposed their so-beautiful-itself-called language... Fun, easier to learn at the end

and that word doesn't *to me* exist xD 'certainty' or something you said ini ?
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:01
Dear LN,

Why didn't you answer my mp? (or should I say pm for 'private message')

With Love,
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:02
Euh........ Cuando se come aqui?
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:02

Why do I happen to be just always right ?

*replays the previous scene with a "oh my, waving hand is tiring" snobbish diva-like comment*
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:05
wario<> en la mañana ¿ no ? ya es el tiempo para el desayuno, 2h .... 8)8)

but anyway

LN<> your dictionnary is lying, it doesn't exist...

doesn't exist...
doesn't exist...
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:07
Dear smilax,

I hate you. Seriously....

STOP SPEAKING SPANISH IN FRONT OF ME. You know that it's making me remember bad things in school. (stupid spanish classes >< )
aza 115
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:09
i'm gonna play pso see you later
(who cares)
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:10
¿ Porque ? ¿ Español era tan malo en tu escuela ? Vale, es una langua muy bella cuando... *cbon*

anyway, wait a minute, so Wario-san is megasmilax ?
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:10
LNi tiene una maestria exemplaria de la idioma inglesa Oo

Fasciname :'(

Dsch > tienes razon, y vodkice odia cuando hablo espanol, pero no hago eso para emborracharla ...
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:11
dsch~> didn't you know? 8) :lol

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le 18/7/2006 à 00:17
noop didn't know,

ain't anyone got a topic to talk about lads ?

smilax<> aqui solo se habla inglès amigo :( *no he hablado español por mucho tiempo -_-'*

damn gotta clean the house, my dad's coming back in a few hours *being home alone for a whole week is just great 8)*
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:21
oh sea para distender la atmosfera despues el pavé de LNi

dsch > you lucky!!!
AngiMembre Ultime
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:21
it's an english topic ><
go make a topic named 'el stupida topica en stupido espanol'
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:26
I must say that LNi's block killed my brain dead xD
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:27
get naked and shut up.
Père Nowel Admin
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:31
That's not nice Wario-sama..:$

*shut up and flee*
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le 18/7/2006 à 00:33
[i]when I'm dancing with you
tomorrow doesn't matter
turn the music up
til the windows start to shatter
cuz you're the only one who can get me on my feet
and I can't even dance[/i]


where are ice and wario gone ? *almost wrote 'gonen' stoopid me xD*

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